Clash.Meta 是一个基于开源项目 Clash 的二次开发版本,并增加了一些独有特性;Meta 核心支持所有原开源核心的全部特性,受 Clash 删除影响,目前 Clash.Meta 已改名 mihomo 继续更新。
mihomo v1.18.8 更新日志
What's Changed
38fd371 feat: GEOIP,IP-ASN,IP-CIDR,IP-CIDR6 and IP-SUFFIX in rules support ,src option keep the same writing style as RULE-SET by @wwqgtxx
518e9bd feat: socks5, http and mixed listeners support independence users by @wwqgtxx
696b75e feat: fake-ip-filter support rule-set: and geosite: by @wwqgtxx
763a127 feat: RULE-SET in rules support ,src option should only be used with ipcidr behavior by @wwqgtxx
7fd0467 feat: sniffer's force-domain and skip-domain support rule-set: and geosite: by @wwqgtxx
8483178 feat: sniff add skip-src-address and skip-dst-address by @wwqgtxx
f6164ac feat: add fake-ip-filter-mode in dns #1479 by @wwqgtxx
BUG & Fix
0306316 fix: parameter order in ChaCha20 constructor by @PharosVip
08ac9a3 fix: tfo ipv6 addr zone by @wwqgtxx
0a4570b fix: group filter touch provider by @Adlyq
16c95fc fix: tradition shadowsocks server not apply additions #1466 by @wwqgtxx
43f21c0 fix: fallback cannot be unfixed by @xishang0128
4c10d42 fix: normal rule not working in fake-ip-filter by @wwqgtxx
512d188 fix redundant WindowsDNS (#1456) by @ForestL18
5a73d99 fix: logic rules display error by @xishang0128
5bf2242 fix: wireguard not working in CMFA by @wwqgtxx
6e04e1e fix: hysteria2 close safety by @wwqgtxx
7d04904 fix: leak dns when domain in hosts list by @Skyxim
81756fc fix: wireguard outbound memory leaks when close by @wwqgtxx
9cf3eb3 fix: hysteria1 outbound should be closed when proxy removed by @wwqgtxx
a1d0f22 fix: update flake.nix hash by @Rasphino
a96f72a fix: geoip wrong matching logic in fallback-filter #1478 by @wwqgtxx
d79423a fix: tun should not care "force" when Put configs from restful api by @wwqgtxx
eea9a12 fix: 规则匹配默认策略组返回错误 by @Skyxim
0793998 chore: drop support of eBPF by @Larvan2
117cdd8 chore: remove suppress_prefixlength in tun linux auto-route for inet4/6-route-address #1368 by @wwqgtxx
12c5cf3 chore: update golang to 1.23 by @wwqgtxx
24c6e7d chore: update tcp keepAlive setting for go1.23 by @Larvan2
27bcb26 chore: better config internal structure by @wwqgtxx
3e2c9ce chore: cleanup patch code by @wwqgtxx
41efc5e chore: update dependencies by @wwqgtxx
4f33926 chore: update dependencies by @wwqgtxx
4fecf68 chore: add sourceGeoIP and sourceIPASN to metadata by @wwqgtxx
4fedfc4 chore: update geo unneeded reload whole config by @wwqgtxx
50d0cd3 chore: auto download external UI when 'external-ui' is set and not empty by @Larvan2
53425bb chore: add json struct tags for more fields in config.RawConfig (#1469) by @karin0
53b41ca Chore: Add action for deleting old workflow by @Larvan2
56fe7d5 chore: clean up update_ui code by @Larvan2
6306c6b chore: add route.ApplyConfig for CMFA by @wwqgtxx
6bf419c chore: better geo init logging by @wwqgtxx
8a75f78 chore: adjust Dockerfile by @MetaCubeX
92ec5f2 chore: cleanup dns policy match code by @wwqgtxx
951cae2 chore: corrected the incoming parameters of PowerUnregisterSuspendResumeNotification by @wwqgtxx
9e20f9c chore: update dependencies by @MetaCubeX
a5acd3a refactor: clear linkname,reduce cycle dependencies,transport init geosite function by @Skyxim
beefe37 chore: logic rules dynamic obtain parameters by @wwqgtxx
c4660e1 chore: reopen tfo support on windows for golang1.23 maybe broken again when golang1.24 release by @wwqgtxx
c838033 chore: improve include-all-proxies compatibility by @xishang0128
e4646fc chore: update dependencies by @wwqgtxx
e7e1400 chore: reduce image size by @Izumiko
ea41813 chore: update quic-go to 0.46.0 by @wwqgtxx
f20f371 chore: better keepalive handle by @wwqgtxx
f5834dd chore: code cleanup by @wwqgtxx
f968d0c chore: update github action by @Skimmle
fd205bf chore: update quic-go to 0.45.2 by @wwqgtxx
「mihomo v1.18.8 更新发布下载:」mihomo v1.18.8 下载
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- mihomo-linux-s390x-v1.18.8.gz
- mihomo-linux-s390x-v1.18.8.rpm
温馨提示:mihomo(Clash.Meta)只是内核,配置得稍稍折腾,使用 Clash for Windows 的替代品 Clash Verge rev 会更方便,并且已经内置 mihomo(Clash.Meta)内核。
另外:clash meta for windows = mihomo for windows = mihomo windows,clash meta for windows 下载选择 mihomo-windows 版本即可。
「mihomo v1.18.8 更新发布下载:」Clash Verge Rev for Windows 入门使用教程
更多相关介绍见:Clash.Meta 是什么?
「mihomo v1.18.8 更新发布下载:」