
mihomo v1.18.9 更新发布下载

Clash.Meta 是一个基于开源项目 Clash 的二次开发版本,并增加了一些独有特性;Meta 核心支持所有原开源核心的全部特性,受 Clash 删除影响,目前 Clash.Meta 已改名 mihomo 继续更新。

「mihomo v1.18.9 更新发布下载:」

mihomo v1.18.9 更新日志

What's Changed
3676d1b feat: add proxy name replacement functionality for override (#1481) by @chun
781b783 feat: add amnezia-wg-option to wireguard outbound by @wwqgtxx
88bfe7c feat: add external-controller-pipe for windows maybe useful for electron and tauri client, node.js and rust still not support AF_UNIX on windows by @wwqgtxx
ddfa9e8 feat: add etag-support to let user can disable this feature manually by @wwqgtxx
ecbbf9d feat: doh client support ecs and ecs-override by @wwqgtxx
faaa90f feat: Allows passing in base64-encoded configuration strings by @xishang0128
fc9d5cf feat: add external-controller-cors can config allow-origins and allow-private-network by @wwqgtxx
BUG & Fix
417d709 fix: RawSrcAddr and RawSrcAddr in metadata by @wwqgtxx
58c973e fix: NewRejectWithOption has wrong type (#1518) by @落心
6c03830 fix: AmneziaWG not working by @wwqgtxx
89b9438 fix: restful server restart by @wwqgtxx
910f236 fix: UpdateMonitor should start when AutoDetectInterface enabled by @wwqgtxx
cd2d1c6 fix: skip-auth-prefixes not apply on listeners when users is unset by @wwqgtxx
f305e44 fix: new tun with fd unneeded calculate interface name by @wwqgtxx
f52fe6a fix: tun.device not shown in restful api by @wwqgtxx
0a2f606 chore: cleanup the patch code by @wwqgtxx
150c6cc chore: skip duplicates nameserver when parse by @wwqgtxx
1633885 chore: update dependencies by @wwqgtxx
223eae0 chore: force refresh provider in background by @wwqgtxx
2647135 chore: set 0o666 to unix socket file by @wwqgtxx
2afa279 chore: allow set security descriptor of namedpipe by environment variable LISTEN_NAMEDPIPE_SDDL by @wwqgtxx
33823f1 chore: sync internal interface by @wwqgtxx
3922b17 chore: deliver UDP packets from same connection in receiving order (#1540) by @HamsterReserved
4c3fe98 chore: modify the default download address of ASN by @xishang0128
4fa15c6 chore: ensures packets can be sent without blocking the tunnel by @wwqgtxx
5812a7b chore: simplify the code by @wwqgtxx
595a575 chore: add Count for ProxyProvider by @wwqgtxx
59a2b24 chore: save etag in bbolt by msgpack by @wwqgtxx
5d24251 chore: support ETag for providers by @wwqgtxx
794645b chore: direct using structure package decode proxy-name by @wwqgtxx
7c8f451 chore: cleanup geo internal code by @wwqgtxx
7dafe78 chore: disallow space at begin or end in DomainTrie by @wwqgtxx
8230bc8 chore: parse float in subscription info by @Larvan2
8940bdd chore: better pool_test by @wwqgtxx
966eeae chore: rewrite bbolt cachefile implements by @wwqgtxx
a08aa10 chore: some internal types support encoding.TextUnmarshaler by @wwqgtxx
a4e84f0 chore: better apply tcp keepalive to listeners by @wwqgtxx
a67c379 chore: code cleanup by @wwqgtxx
acfc9f8 chore: reset resolver's connection after default interface changed by @wwqgtxx
ade4234 chore: mrs use best compression by @H1JK
af5ad32 chore: Use DELETE to clear the proxy group fixed by @xishang0128
b1301b1 chore: update quic-go to 0.47.0 by @wwqgtxx
b7cb677 chore: support ETag for update geo by @wwqgtxx
d80e8bb chore: remove some confusing restrictions on comma separation in NameServerPolicy configuration by @wwqgtxx
dc29514 chore: typo by @wwqgtxx
e33d4a4 chore: cleanup the patch code by @wwqgtxx
ef244b8 chore: update geo in a batch by @wwqgtxx
f020b20 chore: structure support encoding.TextUnmarshaler by @wwqgtxx
f8557f5 chore: don't start UpdateMonitor when AutoRoute not enabled by @wwqgtxx
fb4d3c4 chore: simplify VlessFlow Option by @Larvan2


mihomo v1.18.9 下载


「mihomo v1.18.9 更新发布下载:」

温馨提示:mihomo(Clash.Meta)只是内核,配置得稍稍折腾,使用 Clash for Windows 的替代品 Clash Verge rev 会更方便,并且已经内置 mihomo(Clash.Meta)内核。

另外:clash meta for windows = mihomo for windows = mihomo windows,clash meta for windows 下载选择 mihomo-windows 版本即可。

Clash Verge Rev for Windows 入门使用教程

「mihomo v1.18.9 更新发布下载:」

Clash for Windows 基础使用教程

更多相关介绍见:Clash.Meta 是什么?

「mihomo v1.18.9 更新发布下载:」
