
mihomo v1.18.3 更新发布下载

Clash.Meta 是一个基于开源项目 Clash 的二次开发版本,并增加了一些独有特性;Meta 核心支持所有原开源核心的全部特性,受 Clash 删除影响,目前 Clash.Meta 已改名 mihomo 继续更新。

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mihomo v1.18.3 更新日志

BUG & Fix
11f0983 fix: resolve by ProxyServerHostResolver should not retry with DefaultResolver when error occurs by @wwqgtxx
4542fc0 fix: tun lookback when don't have an activated network by @wwqgtxx
72d0948 fix: atomic.TypedValue panic by @wwqgtxx
914bc8a fix: Fix DOMAIN-REGEX parsing by @xishang0128
eae1f05 fix: wireguard multi peers public key parse by @wwqgtxx
06b5121 chore: embed ca-certificates.crt by @wwqgtxx
367a287 chore: don't lookup process when Type==INNER by @wwqgtxx
82517e6 chore: include short commit ID in release note by @Larvan2
89d7b81 chore: turned off ECN by default by @wwqgtxx


mihomo v1.18.3 下载


「mihomo v1.18.3 更新发布下载:」

温馨提示:mihomo(Clash.Meta)只是内核,配置得稍稍折腾,使用 Clash for Windows 的替代品 Clash Verge rev 会更方便,并且已经内置 mihomo(Clash.Meta)内核。

另外:clash meta for windows = mihomo for windows = mihomo windows,clash meta for windows 下载选择 mihomo-windows 版本即可。

更多相关介绍见:Clash.Meta 是什么?

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「mihomo v1.18.3 更新发布下载:」